Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Good to know that I am communicating with a crazy person, Emerald, I don't think anyone sane would be able to do so. Your comment about catworld (which I think that maybe Sadie came from) made me laugh for the first time in over a week, thank you. I'm not sure what the Simpsons are, but I'm working on a new name for myself.

No giant shoe yet, but my friendly neighborhood spider has spun a web in the far corner of my room. He's made himself a giant hammock, and is all curled up on it. It looks pretty comfortable, I have to say, and he almost looks kind of cute all furry and snuggly. I'm still not ready to pet him yet, but he hasn't made any move to eat me, so perhaps the time will come.

I've spent the last two days scouring blogs, trying to find anyone else in my position. If your multi-world theory is correct, then there must be something about the internet (or maybe just blogger?) that can transcend them. It would be interesting to be able to find other people from other worlds that can communicate this way. If anything, some of the normal blogs may be from other worlds and nobody has noticed. I wonder how anyone could exactly find that out? Crazy to think that any web site that I visit might have been created in another universe, parallel to mine.

I like this theory. It means that I existed, for real, and the place I came from did too. My stint with my hands missing and me not remembering having a name have made me seriously wonder if my identity is slowly being stripped from me. Or that I never really had one at all, or a false one, and I'm losing it because it was never there. But yours is better, Emerald. It could be that wherever I am now, is someplace in between worlds, and it's just messing with my head.

Perhaps the spider is a guardian of some kind, of the gateway between worlds. Somehow, at the turn of the new year, I slipped between realities, and got stuck. Or the spider is rejecting me from the world I almost slipped into (maybe yours?) but can't get me back home.

I've got a bunch of candles lit. I was trying to meditate, sort of, I guess. They say to clear your mind and relax and you'll be able to find some sort of spiritual higher plane of being. I thought it would maybe help me find myself. It doesn't really work. But I don't really understand how to clear one's mind anyway.

It's kind of peaceful, being in the candlelight. Sadie is next to me, curled up in a little ball. I wonder if at some point she'll stop being hungry too, and lose the need to eat? I have enough cat food in the bag to probably last another month, I hope she'll be okay. Oh well, cats have nine lives, right? In a month I'll probably have figured out how to communicate with the spider. Maybe figure out how to get out of here, get somewhere, anywhere.

Or maybe the theory in the back of my head is true, and I'm dead. Maybe this is purgatory. I can't really say it's hell, and I definitely don't think it's heaven. I don't know. I've got time to speculate, though. I'm going to search for some cool names, and see what I can come up with. Have a good evening, Emerald.

1 comment:

  1. OK I have some new theory, that explains your identity crisis. Its not the nicest theory in the world, but I already warned you about my aversion to sugar coatings. Maybe you have to lose those memories and things in order to fully pass through to this side? Maybe that's the point of where you are, cuz if you suddenly popped into existence here and asked someone the way to Kentigerna they would probably think you were high, or at least foreign. It would be a worse mind fuck I think to suddenly have to deal with all the factors of life you are used to suddenly not existing. Whereas this way, you lose one thing at a time until your memory is close enough to our dimension for you to slip through. Its still not pleasant, but less likely to cause a spontaneous psychotic break. Maybe. I guess we'll have to wait and see if you forget the name of your town, or street next.
